Keanu Reeves Astro
(too old to reply)
Carol Shubert
2004-12-01 13:40:36 UTC
"Hi there, Red Dog :" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
: > Hi Sarah! If you'd like to talk about Keanu you might like
: > to join one of the Keanu groups at Google.
: >
: > http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/keanureevesfreonds/
: > is owned by a very nice person who's been trying to set up
: > a quiet corner for Keanu fans to get together and discuss him.
: > You should join!
: --Red Ox, instructing the non-feeders to save themselves from being
: forced to watch the Ox feed [not discussing Keanu] 100s and 100s of
: times [fact]
: *snag*

Oh pitiful, pitiful, Trollzy. You've collapsed into a joke
of your former selves. Which is pretty hard to do, since
you've always been a bad joke.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)"

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-12-01 16:41:29 UTC
"Agallon of Poot - the Vulcan Gas" <***@aol.comHiDanaCJ> wrote in
message news:***@mb-m15.aol.com...
: Re: personal messages on the newsgroup
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: >: > Hi Sarah! If you'd like to talk about Keanu you might like
: >: > to join one of the Keanu groups at Google.
: >: > http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/keanureevesfreonds/
: >: > is owned by a very nice person who's been trying to set up
: >: > a quiet corner for Keanu fans to get together and discuss him.
: >: > You should join!
: >: --Red Ox, instructing the non-feeders to save themselves from being
: >: forced to watch the Ox feed [not discussing Keanu] 100s and 100s of
: >: times [fact]
: >: *snag*
: >Oh
: [Desperate evasion...Noted]
: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
: Subject: Re: personal messages on the newsgroup
: From: ***@nc5.infi.net (Caro)
: Date: 1996/07/04
: Message-ID: <4rh6j5$***@nw101.infi.net>#1/1
: Excuse me,
: What's mean is when someone abuses this group instead of using e-mail to
: communicate.
: Look, people. Please hush up with the personal messages. Please. Please.
: Please. Stop driving this "clique unity" thing into the ground, will you?
: Please and pretty please. With every request to PLEASE take into private
: where it belongs. Please use e-mail for that. Please. And thank you.
: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
: Carol, way-spanked and dragged down...
: "I'm looking forward to leaving in 2 days..I can stay a month..flamewars
: dragged me down..Carol is checking into the Hospital for some tests..The
: psychiatrist said I have a high IQ"
: ~Carol, fighting her weak willed self for nearly 10 years..

...Trollzilla, forgetting that I invited her to 'take it to email'
with me 4 months ago, BW laughed at the mere idea of it,
and Trollzilla cowered from the subject entirely - and
ignored the 2 emails I sent to her.

Here ya go, sunshine - stuff it up there with your taters:

Would you like to finish this in private, Red YAK? I'd be
delighted to take you on in email, Wimpzilla.

Tell me again why you're afraid of AUK. It's a group of
"feeders", you said? What do you mean by that? I
thought you love "feeders". It seems to me you can't
decide if you want to be challenged or ignored. Why
don't you say which you prefer, Trollzilla. Let's hear
your answer once and for all: Do you (a) want to go
unchallenged? or (b) want the people you target to
respond to you? (P.S. You can choose only one, not
both, as you've always done before, you little confused

A real troll fits (b), but a real troll doesn't hide behind
skirts, scream about 'feeders' vs 'nonfeeders' or
blubber about wanting to be 'ignored.' You're a self-
made emotional cripple, not a troll.
~ Carol ~ http://profiles.yahoo.com/pleiades_fire
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)"

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)