"I'd rather talk about celebrities" ~Carol, laughing at poor me again...
(too old to reply)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 21:57:16 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Moron?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...

: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: > tire of sparring with you
: <pointin' at left 'cep>

And what a puny thing it is. No wonder you have to point out
where it's supposed to be on your scrawny little arm.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:02:27 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Moron?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...

: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: > I'll try writing something like that when
: "I'm finished...I'm through responding to them. Who bloody cares what
: they say, think or do?" [Aug 8,2003]

I'm not finished...I'm not through responding to them. And look how
hard they try to make me stop confronting them. [Nov 27, 2004]

: ~*Carol*, the most ruined and unhinged hypocrite ever - over 1
: year later *Carol* is still "reading" and "responding" and still
: giving out ignore advice...while she remains too dismantled and
: clobbered to ever take her own advice. Fact.
: <Snag-Spank!>

sad nutty and goofy - silly psychotic and nasty kristine! NICE acronym,

: > I have more time
: "the more you distance yourself from Trollzilla, the less she
: matters."
: ~Carol, preaching for the 100th time - she decided to feed more in 3
: days than she did during the past year.

Carol, referring to emotional distance in a post to Boydette,
as Trollzilla desperately and repetitively tries to make Carol
shut up and go away so she can continue stabbing people
in the back instead of dealing with them like an adult.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:06:50 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Moron?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...

: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: > payback is a bitch
: You still seem upset and angry. ;P

You still seem to fantasize that people laughing at
you are actually upset and angry. ;P
: > LOTS of that coming - not just from me, but from several
: > others who are revving up their engines.
: Old Animal, are you reduced into making personal threats, perhaps?
: Sure sign of just how deranged and desperate you really are. ;B
: <chortle>

Don't talk to your mommy that way. Try to pay attention,
DidAnyoneAskforaMoron. I don't threaten.

: "the more you distance yourself from Trollzilla, the less she
: matters."
: ~Carol, preaching for the 100th time - she decided to feed more in 3
: days than she did during the past year.

Carol, laughing at Trollzy's desperate attempts to make
mean old Carol ignore her cowardly silly selves.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:10:11 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Mentor?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: >
: >
: >>> Did your mommy
: >>
: >> Forgive your mommy, x y and d.
: >
: >
: > members of your "TH3" sock trio you call x y and d.
: Animal, why did you just deny your very own
: 1deadbaby2deadbaby3deadbaby with your desperate evasion? For the same
: reasons that you "blamed" yourself for their deaths at first, only to
: start blaming others?
: <chortle>
: "the more you distance yourself from Trollzilla, the less she
: matters."

"the more Trollzilla blathers, the less sense she makes."

I don't have any dead babies x y and d -- those are names
YOU made up, doofus, just like "Ronnie" and "Richard" and
"Mr Lee" and "Stan" and hundreds more. Your x y and d
fantasy is really about your make-believe kook team TH3,
who'ya kiddin'?

And you hate your mommy.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:11:49 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Moron?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
: >NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 07:09:15 -0600
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.ne
: >
: >
: > Trollzilla thinks she's posting my phone number
: Old Animal, that "number" wasn't ever listed as a "phone number". ;P
: >Yesterday Trollzilla started posting as Brentwood731
: "Yesterday"? Liar, why did you just need to lie? Perhaps you were just
: desperate and insecure about the fact that you "spent hours" of your
: Thanksgiving Day frothing and caring about the very ones that you
: claim to not "bloody cares" about?
: ;)

You're really beginning to sound like a long, sad whine,
you know?
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:12:50 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Mentor?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...

: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: > my age
: 58?

Your IQ?
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:14:13 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Maroon?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: >
: >
: > being stupid, making sure that everybody notices.

Yeh, your point being ... ?
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:15:58 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Milquetoast?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in
message news:***@posting.google.com...
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: >
: >> http://rainy-day-laughter.com
: >> (a) Not found
: >
: >
: > Gee, that must be because I cancelled my account
: Why so defensive? ;)

Why so clueless?
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 22:17:19 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Mommy Hater?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in
message news:***@posting.google.com...
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: >
: >
: > snag =
: "the more you distance yourself from Trollzilla, the less she
: matters."

Too bad you can't distance yourself from Trollzilla, Trollzilla.
Bet you're envious of those of us who can.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 23:37:20 UTC
"Alissa plonked Carol...Oh well" <***@aol.comHiDanaCJ> wrote in message news:***@mb-m25.aol.com...

: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: >I never wrote any song parodies
: >about your dead children
: Because you're the one with 1deadbaby2deadbaby3deadbaby?
: Oh well...

Because you're the one who's so twisted and sick that you
can't engage in confrontations (which you provoke) like a
sane and civilized grown up, Trollzilla? Because the only
defenses you have are to try to hurt people at a deeply
personal level?

Because you've been so emotionally battered throughout
your pathetic life that the only response - to any form of
impersonal conflict - you're capable of is to attack your
opponent at the most personal level possible, through
whatever past personal crises in their lives you can dig
up -- with which you follow them around and try to bash
them over the head with for months, even years?
Because you're so emotionally stunted you can't
understand the difference between intellectual conflict
and emotional sadism?

I can see you at a board meeting at work. Someone asks
haven't you got a project done yet. You ask them how
their alcoholic mother is and if she's still on the wagon.
Another coworker hands you back something you typed
and tells you you did it incorrectly. You tell her she has an
ugly face and wears cheap perfume. Your boss tells you
you've been missing too much work lately. You remind
him that his teenage daughter overdosed last year and
ask him if he feels guilty about that, then you laugh and
giggle and roll around the floor. He fires you, of course,
and you console yourself by telling yourself he started
it. They all started it. How dare they notice your
imperfections. Guess you showed them what you're
made of, Trollzilla. Guess you have showed all of us,
again and again and again...
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)
Carol Shubert
2004-11-27 23:56:58 UTC
"Did Someone Ask For A Mentor?" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
: >NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 26 Nov 2004 09:16:21 -0600
: >From: "Carol Shubert" rainy-day-***@comcast.net
: > Nia, Alex, Rosie, Jennie, Dave and I spent hours yesterday reading
: > your posts to each other.
: You "spent hours yesterday" (on Thanksgiving) reading the
: posts...after you claimed to not "bloody cares" over 15 months ago.
: Did you cry yourself to sleep? ;B
: <chortle>

About 3 hours, yes. You're a wealth of nuttiness, don't
underestimate how funny you are to those who aren't yet
bored with you. You're even funnier with a little wine.

I asked you if YOU cried yourself to sleep, noodlehead.
You've been keeping your Polly Trolly Parrot up too late
again, haven't you? She's sputtering like a brokendown
Stepford parrot now, making no sense at all.
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)