"Hi there, Red Dog :" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@posting.google.com...
: Carol rolled around the floor, laughing at me:
: > I'll break it down
: You know, I've given her [Red Dog] whole mishandled situation just a
: little thought...
You know, I've given her [Trollzilla's] whole mishandled
situation just a little thought...
: When she met him [Red D's hubby], she fell completely in love with
: him, because he saw who she really was, saw her loneliness, her
: longing, her lack of direction, her sorrow, her anxiety...
When she was deserted by her [Trollzilla's mommy] she fell
into the clutches of the evil male authority figure, who saw what
she really was, saw how easily she could be manipulated, her
deep insecurity and all aound nuttiness...
: he saw her
: and he loved her because of and in spite of who she was. He cherished
: her and promised to protect her forever...promised to show her the
: way...but with only one small condition...that she give herself over
: to him, completely. That she surrender herself to his love, his
: vision, his genius.
The nasty male [we'll called him Mr Lee] told Trollzilla
that she amused him in spite of the hideous thing she was.
He told her that he had lots of fun games he would teach
her to play. Trollzilla loved the attention and became his
eager student. He told her the first two games he would
teach her would be "Call me your 'feeder daddy'!" and
"If you repeat what I say like a parrot, I'll stop making you
eat this stuff!"
: Even early on, before the physical violence, he could look at her with
: such cold contempt that it'd be like a knife in the heart...always
: judging her for what she wore, contrary opinion, the way she buttered
: his toast, the way she cleaned his home...and so the fear began...fear
: that he'd stop loving her, fear that he'd throw her out of the safety
: net that he wrapped her in,
Even early on, before he started dragging her up and down
the stairs by her ankle, knocking her lantern head on each
stair as he laughed and laughed at the hollow sound it made,
Trollzilla admired Richard Lee so very much, because she
saw in him all the creepy, evil and repulsive things she so
longed to be... to teach her mean old mommy a lesson...
: fear that made her walk on
: eggshells...listening and watching for the slightest hint of his
: disapproval...always tense, always afraid. Afraid that she'd say or do
: the wrong thing at the wrong time...and the first time that he
: actually hit her...oh...ah...it was actually a relief...she welcomed
: it...and afterwards, he'd be so sorry...his declaration of love would
: be so sincere that, yes, she'd love him more than ever. Loving him was
: her life's work.
So Trollzilla collected eggshells and slept with them and
hid them in her nostrils and did a lot of other crazy things,
but Mr Lee thought she was so funny, and she learned to love
being laughed at, and eventually became dependent upon
being laughed at. Finding new ways to be laughed at became
Trollzilla's life's work...
: So it went on...the beatings got worse, the control got stronger...but
: thru it all, she actually thought he loved her, really loved
: her...this she knew; tragic, pathetic. But he didn't love her, never
: loved her, never even knew her at all.
So the games went on... and got nuttier and nuttier, just
like Trollzilla did... Mr Lee started throwing her down the
stairs and making her drag her own head back up to
the top, as he laughed at the hollow sound it made. He
made her sit on a couch in front of the TV and eat bowls
and bowls of mashed potatoes. He made her say, "Feed
me, please, Mr. Lee," and she always said what he told
her to say. "Call me your feeder daddy!" he demanded,
and she always did exactly what he said. And bowl after
bowl after bowl of mashed potatoes he made her eat in
front of the TV, and her mommy even took a picture of it
and sent it to Keanuville! And Mr. Lee laughed, and
Trollzilla pretended she was Mr. Lee and laughed too.
That's when her insanity really began (the eggshells up
her nose phase was just a warm up)...
: He was just in love with her
: fears, her loneliness, her tears, her weakness, her willingness to
: please him, at all costs...that's how it must have been. How could she
: allow this to happen, you ask?
Trollzilla's male abuser was so entertained by her, so
amused by the easy way she was manipulated and by
her obsessive-compulsive behavior.... He promised
he would teach her to be just like him. And you know, in
time, Trollzilla took on the identity of Mr. Lee and began
hating her mommy for not miscarrying her when she
was pregnant. How could Trollzy allow this to happen,
you ask?
: So sad...and to think, she never figured it out for herself, no, not
: until it was way too late for her and her poor, poor children. Others
: knew...oh, they knew, but did she listen to them? No, no she
: absolutely did not.
So sad.... and to think, Trollzilla never figured it out for herself,
no, not until it was way too late for her and her poor, poor
alternate personalities. Others knew...oh, they knew, but did
they bother trying to save her from herself? No, they absolutely
did not give a flying fig how crazy she was.
: Today, all she has is thoughts of what might have been... ;(
Today, all she has is a bowl of mashed potatoes and a
lantern head. ;(
: [sigh]
: Oh well...
Oh well...
~ Carol ~
I said: "What a maroon you are, Trollzilla! If I stopped kicking
your ass today, you'd say, "I made Carol go away." But if I don't
go away and I continue kicking your silly, cowardly ass, you say,
"I'm making Carol do that." Her response: "Red DOG... knowing
that she's in a no win situation [fact] :)
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O
Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." (~Voltaire)